Woof there everyone!
My name is Mowgly, first of his name, ravager of bones and lord over all trees in the Distant Relatives Ecolodge realm. I should know, I spend a considerable part of my life, paws up in the shade provided by their beautiful layers of canopy all around the compound. It’s therapeutic and I highly recommend it during your next visit!
It’s been said by many a visitor that my fur is the color of the Kenyan sunset over Kilifi’s bioluminescent creek, here is a cute photo of me back when I was a pup for comparison, what do you think?

I am one of the original founders of Distant Relatives, having set paw in this magnificent natural playground back in 2012.
Amazing souls such as myself have contributed to the feedback which has led to us being voted the best backpacker/hostel in Kenya by Tripadvisor and Hostelworld, among others.
When I was only one year old, I set the record as the youngest head of security ever at Distant Relatives. Talk about reaching the stars, right?

As they say though, it’s lonely at the top, and so I didn’t last very long as head of security, but perwoofs due to my great people skills, or due to my enthusiasm and great recommendations, I was soon transferred to the Guest Relations department where I again rose to become Chairman of the Welcoming Committee, yeah, yeah…. I know, I am in awe of myself too!
Pat me on the back next time you see me, alright?
On your arrival to Distant Relatives, I will wait patiently under the shade while my human family welcomes you in, does the heavy luggage lifting and gets you settled into your new home before I come floating through the sun-rays like a phoenix to grace you with my presence.
Feel free to pat, scratch my back and “good doggy” me as long as humanly possible.
I will then lead you on an eco-tour around our compound, I am a great guide, don’t forget to mention that in your reviews!

We will walk on the soft carpets of fallen leaves and breathe in the fresh air from the wide biodiversity within our compound. I will show you our famous bamboo showers, eco-toilets, crystal blue swimming pool and the volley ball pitch where I sometimes roll around in the cool morning sand, head up my post as top-dog cheerleader during evening games or join my fellow yogis for a sunrise yoga session on the stage, which is also a beautiful setting for the range of music events we host throughout the year!
Fridays are my favorite day of the week, the Kilifi community and all our in-house family members join us for our famous pizza night! Sometimes our pizza nights are elevated with an array of live music performances or DJ sets, both local and international acts, to set the mood right and get a little boogie going!
Tuesdays are my second favorite day of the week, which we spend focused on beach clean-ups, a very integral part of the Ecolodge. At 4:30 pm we head down to my most favorite place in the whole world, the beautiful Kilifi Creek beach, just a 10-minute walk from home, where we spend an hour or two doing our part in #endingplasticpollution.

I’m usually splashing around the beach, going on epic mangrove adventures and watching the beautiful sunset behind the silhouette of The Musafir, a 70-foot dhow anchored off Fumbini Beach.
Although I am allowed to join for this beach clean-up, I’m otherwise not meant to venture to the beach, so please don’t forget to close the gate when you’re heading down!

My life is amazing, isn’t it?
The best news is that you can be a part of it and join our Distant Relatives family!
Click here and plan your next visit to my kingdom!
Until then, snuggles and paws.
Mowgly out!
*Translated from Doggish to English by Kevin M.